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Department Profile

Our Motto – per aspera ad astra (through difficulties to the stars...)

As education is the manifestation of perfection already in man, the department of English of Khudiram Bose Central College since its affiliation to University of Calcutta in 1968 (General course in 1968 and Honours in 2002) with all its arduous efforts is trying desperately to manifest this perfection. In total agreement with the importance of English as the language of the global market the department is very conscious that students be well versed in this language. Student, the future architects must have a sense of competence of the fundamental dimensions of learning a foreign language like English. They are supposed to be furnished with the primary abilities of reading, writing and speaking English properly. Though our primary concern is English literature, we have made language an integral component of our curriculum.

As far as remaining true to prescribed syllabus is concerned, the department breathes into the students the essence of literature. As literature serves as a looking glass reflecting kaleidoscopic emotions, students of this subject get first -hand experience of understanding human psychology. This helps them in their future. In this complex scenario where the digital market has gripped the world and has transformed humans into zombie think tanks it is important that students at the very outset be taught to be self - analytical. The fundamental aspect of ‘the journey within’, the centripetal dimension of life will only serve to make students of literature much more aware of the workings of the world. English department bridges the language and literature and sees one as complementing the other.

The present Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) offers students a wide range within the ambit of English literature. The basic aim of CBCS is not only to limit students to an understanding of literary texts but also to explore areas beyond the scope of the text book. In keeping with this view CBCS in our subject entails studies like feminist theory, gender studies, world literature. Another important fact in our CBCS is the importance on communication skills. Students not only need to learn how to appreciate literary texts but at the same time they get oriented in use of communication skills.

Our department also publishes annual departmental magazine, Chokher aloe – vision beyond. This magazine is dedicated to explore the literary excellence of our students. Poetry, short stories abound the pages of this magazine. Not only writings but students also get a chance to exhibit their photographs and sketches. Let me tell you all that this is quite an awarding experience for us. This year we are going to introduce our Departmental Academic Journal. This journal is focused on highlighting the academic aspect of students and this would help the students to learn how to do research work.

Apart from these exclusive academic exercises the department also takes keen interest in promoting the cultural and humanistic side of students. The department encourages students to participate in different intra and inter college cultural programmes and programmes associated with social work. Sports is another field where we want our students to take active interest. Healthy mind in a healthy body – this should be the attitude. In all we believe in holistic development of our students and every effort is made in this regard.

The department also promotes discipline as a practice. Students who do not do classes are not allowed to appear for Calcutta University exam. Regular parents’ meet with teachers also helps us to keep check on irregular students. We publish attendance record month wise. Assignments and tests are two effective tools through which we track the academic performance of our students.

We have the tutorial system where each student is assigned a group and each group is in charge of a departmental teacher. The mentor – mentee facility also helps us to facilitate students whenever they face any difficulty –academic or otherwise.

We are one big family and every year we love to see our family grow. Our past pupils are our pride and the current students are our joy. The transition from joy to pride is a journey, a learning experience for all of us.

In spite of all troubles we face the department of English of this College has strong faith in the motto we have defined for ourselves. We know that faith can move mountains and with this belief every year we set our goal. We falter, we fail but the silver lining of hope never abandons us. We are committed to pursue excellence and we will continue to do so. Each new academic session ushers in fresh ideas, dreams and the pledge to strive forward. 'So God be with us'.
