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Departmental Activities

Title/Topic Link
Educational Field Tour 2023-2024. Detail
Online Class History from 27.05.2024 to 05.06.2024 Detail
JMC Field Tour 2024 10/01/2024 Photos
Department of JMC wall Magazine: "DIGANTA" published on 16.10.2023 Photos
বিশেষ শারদ সংখ্যা ২০২১.
Presenting to all of you the Wall Magazine "DIGANTA", created by the 3rd Sem Hons. students of Khudiram Bose Central College, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
A small initiative to keep continuing the festivemood.
"BAANBHASI MON" - An Audio Book.
The Audio Magazine created by the students of Khudiram Bose Central College, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication and Professor Tapasi Ghosh (HOD).
165th Foundation Day of University of Calcutta.
Celebration and a tribute video created by Khudiram Bose Central College, as an honour to The University of Calcutta.
Tribute to the University of Calcutta on it's Foundation Day.
By the students of Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Khudiram Bose Central College.
Departmental Activity Report. Detail
Content Analysis of 6 Volumes of Newspaper and Magazines.
Created by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Khudiram Bose Central College, Kolkata.
Lockdown-E-Half Dozen - A short film produced by JMC, KBCC.
We bring you another milestone created by the department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Khudiram Bose Central College, Kolkata.
They write, they shoot, they act, they edit- they are students of Jounalism & Mass Communication of Khudiram Bose Central College. They did it, they made a film rather 6 short films based on lockdown.
Lockdown e half dozen - A film produced by the department. Different stages of life and different ways of living in the lockdown. Each film produced by the students of 5th semester is the representation of a situation which you all might be familiar to. From online classes to men helping in household chores to having chat over lockdown, you find it all here.
Changing India, Redefining Social Media.
Presenting to all of you a Webinar presentation by the students of Journalism and Mass Communication department, Khudiram Bose Central College Kolkata. It is a collective effort taken by the students of our department, mainly the 3rd year students to utilize the lockdown period productively. Stay positive and learn something new and deliver it to all of those who are interested.
"Diganta Barta 2020".
Web Magazine from Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, KBCC, Kolkata.
"Diganta Barta 2020".
1st Audio Magazine from Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, KBCC, Kolkata.
